winter solstice 2010

winter solstice 2010winter solstice 2010:The Winter Solstice is a big one this year. This is because the Solstice occurs just hours before a Full Lunar Eclipse. This Eclipse will be seen just before dawn all over North America which makes me want to think that North America will receive the benefits of its energies for bad or hopefully for good. Remember Plato said that people are all essentially good. I've never agreed with that, but I have no qualms about admitting that Plato was smarter than I am.

Just heard on the radio that this is the only Full Lunar Eclipse which will affect Northern California for 84 years. That's a Full Uranus Cycle in its self. There are going to be 2 Total Lunar Eclipses in 2094: June 28, 2094 and Dec. 21, 2094. Wonder which parts of the country will be submerged in water at that point. Uranus rules the U.S. Moon and this Solstice Chart is heavily ruled by the Moon, so perhaps the U.S. will be all for one and one for all again.
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