UCONN star Maya Moore was hot, scoring 41 points, and dominating play against Florida State, with the team winning 93 to 62.
OK. That aside, let's talk.
All of that crap about comparing the UCONN women's team to the UCLA Men's Basketball Team coached by the late John Wooten is just that. Crap. It doesn't matter that the UCONN team that set the record for all of college basketball is female.
What matters is they did it, and we should get behind women's sports for that reason: we're in a golden age of great female athletes at play. From Maya Moore at UCONN to Lindsay Vonn and Julia Mancuso in skiing, and the growing of acceptance of the strong woman in American culture, this is a great time for women in sports.
It's a total shame more women's sports don't get the support they need to generate profits. And it's really not just the fault of men, but women too.
So how do we get past this problem? Easy.
Buy tickets to women's sports event.