Katy Perry refuses she is seeking couples therapy

Despite countless reports that Katy Perry and Russell Brand are looking couples therapy, after just three months of marriage, Katy’s UK rep has unleashed a statement saying the rumours are a load of old nonsense:

'This story is completely untrue and entirely fabricated' they said, super convincingly.

Another source told Gossip Cop that 'everything is great' in their relationship and that the rumours were ‘ridiculous’.

Katy herself said in an interview with Elle magazine last week:

'We’re not like the stereotypical joke of a married couple. I’m married to Russell Brand – I don’t just have sex once a week!'

Katy also posted on Twitter yesterday:

@rustyrockets it's your favorite day, Hump day!

We can only assume this is a positive thing, not like wash the car day or change the sheets day. Hump day is something much cooler.

However, Russell did not reply and instead tweeted something about his appearance on Saturday Night Live. Hmmm, Poirot would definitely say with a wry smile, while we went with: GUTTED!

Anyway, the rumour started after Life and Style magazine reported earlier today that there was ‘trouble in paradise’ and that the marriage was in crisis due to the strain of their different work schedules.

We’re undecided. As someone wise once said, no smoke without fire…